At 04:21 AM 1/20/97 +0100, you wrote:
>Dear Fellow scions,
>My TR made it to Denmark, and in one piece - so I have been driving it for
>about a week now - and have noticed that it is not very willing to
>accelerate at low rpm's. Initially I thought that it might be a carb
>problem, since I haven't touched the carbs yet after I bought it - and
>before that, the car sat for three years. Well, when checking the plugs, it
>seemed like if anything, it might be running a bit thin mixture - but
>otherwise the mixture seems to be alright.
>So, I turned to the ignition - and this is the reason for this novice
>e-mail :-). From what I can see the different models of TR6's had a
>variety of combinations of advances and retards (vacuum that is), and that
>mine, a '74 only seems to have a retard. How does that work? What happened
>to the 'advance' off earlier TR6's? Is the 'mechanical' advance in the
>bottom of the distributor enough - or is there some other little secret to
>it? My car-freak-buddy has a hard time believing that the car only has a
>vacuum retard - and actually thinks that what I call the vacuum retard on
>the car is actually a vacuum advance. Well, Moss shows in their catalogue
>that the '74 TR6 only has a vacuum retard....anybody care to explain this
>to the novice mechanic (that would be me)? and maybe just a few words on
>how it works?
>As suggested by Roger (among others) I have all the emission control stuff
>blocked off - and also the retard unit unhooked from the vacuum pipes.....
>Michael. on the 74 Tr6 it is a vacuum RETARD because of US emission
requirements.If you disconnect it and plug the vacuum line the idle speed
should increase. Sluggishness under load conditions is usually ignition,
check points, condenser and most probable- bad plug wires. Been there, done
that!Although I have a timong light, I still prefer to"powere time" by
advancing the ignition till it pings under load then backing off till it stops.