On Mon, 20 Jan 1997, Brian Young wrote:
> If anyone has any recommendations for a good "howto" on replacing the
> rear window rubber I would love to hear them. My Haynes manual
> basically advises to leave the job to a pro. Is it really that
> difficult?
No, not at all. The procedure for the rear window is the same as for the
front, except that the rear window is even easier to do since it is
smaller, less curved, and does not have a chrome finisher.
The original repair manual is generally better than the Haynes manual, BTW.
Just one important note: Don't reuse the original sealing rubber unless you
positively know it is only a year or two old.
Email: egilk@sn.no Voice: +47 22523641, 92022780 Fax: +47 22525899
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