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Re: painting a car

Subject: Re: painting a car
From: (James H. Davis, Jr.)
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 1997 00:06:19 EST
References: <Pine.HPP.3.95.970114172716.23517B-100000@ccshst01>
On Tue, 14 Jan 1997 17:30:54 -0500 (EST) Robert J Carley
<> writes:
>What do people think?  Is it better to paint a car in pieces - 
>bonnet, etc. and then re-assemble it, or is it better to re-assemble 
>and then paint.
>In the case of a TR6 is there some preferred procedure to achieve a 
>long lasting paint job; that is, paint apart or paint together.
When you disassemble your tr6 you will see that the factory painted the
car assembled. The supposed expert at my body/paint shop recommended and
painted 38690UO one finish coat apart, then the final coats with
everything but the bonnet installed. He claimed this provides better rust
protection. Makes sense, don't know if it's correct. From personal
experience, don't be talked into allowing the painters to place a bead of
sealant at the paint line between the wings and body. The body flexes
enough as you drive to cause cracks in the paint along the body/wig line,
spoiling an otherwise beautiful paint job,

Jim Davis

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