Barry H. Adams wrote:
> I noticed Moss has their Mini-Lites on sale for $119.95.
Please note that these are not "real" Minilights, but
repros/look-a-likes. Minilight-repros/look-a-likes have brand
names such as Panasport, KN and Superlights. Brooklands
(305/776-BRIT) now carry real Minilights, and they cost LOTS
more than the repros/look-a-likes. There are also two different
styles within the Minilight range (maybe more?); the
repros/look-a-likes tend to me modeled on the earlier style.
Anyone know about these two styles? To me, the later style
had a flat "dish" about 10" in diameter in the center of the wheel,
and had shorter "spokes" realtive to the earlier style.
Shane Ingate in San Diego