Author: at INTERNET-PO
Date: 13/01/97 08:30
In a message dated 97-01-13 05:24:30 EST, you write:
1. In past postings someone suggested a proceedure for installing A-arm
bushings using a C-clamp. Could the author please repost or send the
proceedure to me?>>
Just butter them with liquid soap ...
This is not the same as washing-up liquid as used for
dirty dishes. Apparently this contains salts which can quickly cause corrosion
of the metal parts. I've been told (but not used yet) that the best thing to
persuade bushes into unco-operative holes is Silicon Brake Fluid. It's totally
harmless stuff apparently (some adverts in the UK say it can be used to polish
< <2. Can someone suggest an appropriate coil spring compression tool and a
place to obtain one? I was able to get the old units disassembled, but the
same proceedure will not work for assembly.>>
Try your local tool rental place.
You must use the correct tool (eye goggles will *not* be
sufficient!!), but the one's I hired recently would fit between the coils when
the spring was in the free state but not when compressed and the shocker in
place. The problem was the hooks which held the coils - look for ones as flat
(un-hooked) as possible. An alternative type is sold by the TSSC (look in their
tools catalogue for a piccy) - this consists of two metal plate with holes for
the shocker fixings to protrude through, and 2 lengths of threaded studding
running up each side. As with all types of this tool you must compress the
spring as uniformly as possible to avoid the spring bending and breaking free of
the tool.
Best of luck