>>Windows '95 is a mistake. That also means your computer choice was a
>>mistake too. All this would have been much easier and more intuitive on a
>>Macintosh. There are limitations on Windows that get in your
My, My, is that any way to start the New Year? A simple "I know
nothing about Windows 95" would have sufficed, don't you think? I use a home
built "wintel pc" at home, running Windows 95 (Mac 89). True, Macs have their
place in society, in fact, that's all we have at work (Trimaras Design and
Printing Company) (sorry about the shameless plug). But there are quite a few
of us stuck with these damn wintel machines. We just want to be like you.
So.....either answer these poor souls with constructive suggestions or be a
litle kinder when discussing their poor buying decisions of the past.
Tongue not so firmly planted in cheek
Chris Prugh
72 Spitfar