Andy L may have said;
>When driving on the motorway at a sensible speed, after a little while
>engine loses power dramatically and appears to misfire. The speed
>drops to a
>crawl. The engine
start up everything is fine again for about another 10
>minutes. Then the same thing happens. Recently as the weather has got
>this happens first thing in the morning when the car is first started
Hello Andy;
I think that you probably have at least 2 problems.
1. I think that the fuel filter in the tank (pick-up filter or
'sock') is plugging up. You describe the classic symptoms of it. I.E.
running along fine for ten or fifteen miles or so, then slowing down
until there is no more power left. You pull to the side of the road
and check under the hood, but to no avail. You get back in the car
and it starts! You drive a little farther and the same thing happens
again. (must be ground hog day!) That filter will plug up from the
low pressure in the fuel line, drawing debris from the tank into the
filter. When the engine stops, the debris falls back into the tank,
only to recycle again as soon as the fuel starts flowing again. You
are getting the 'misfire', actually a backfire through the carb from
a lean mixture caused by the filter plugging up.
2. I think that the cold enrichment system, aka choke, is set too
lean for the colder weather we are all now experiencing. That would
cause the 'misfire' in the morning when the car is cold.
Hope some of this blathering helps, and happy motoring!