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Re: Spitfumes

Subject: Re: Spitfumes
From: "Michael D. Porter" <>
Date: Sun, 15 Dec 1996 13:34:03 -0800
Organization: None whatsoever
References: <> wrote:
> Gasoline fumes are very apparent inside my '74 Spitfire.  I don't know why,
> but I doubt this is "par for the course" for this LBC.  Any ideas where to
> begin checking for the source of this?  I'm thinking the engine compartment
> is the source, and that the fumes are coming in with vented air.

That is a possibility, but there is also a vapor separator on top of the
tank and various rubber hoses for vapor line connections around the tank
area.  Something gone sour around that point could be the source of the
fumes, as well.  In the meantime, I would suggest not making any sparks
or lighting up any stogies in the vicinity.... <g>
My other Triumph doesn't run, either....

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