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Subj: Re: Re[2]: TR6 clutch (Final Fix)
Date: 96-11-28 11:53:31 EST
To: lseidman@erols.com
Your DTC friend had ONE bad master cylinder. Pete claims he has
replaced/rebuilt his system TEN times! The chances of getting TEN bad MC's
and SC's or rebuild kits has to be astronomical. But you're right, nothing's
100%. Frankly, 'Ol Pete has a lot more patience than me. I would have taken
the car to a specialist after the third or fourth replacement/rebuild
BTW, did TRF replace your friend's defective MC ?
Wishing you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving and smooth shifting,
Jim Davis,
who'll be driving CF38690UO with top down to mom's for the feast on a sunny
SW Georgia day.