I have recently joined the mailing list and have found it to be very
I am having a problem with a 1970 Spitfire that I have just finished
restoring. With the Stromberg CD 150 carburettor starting is
very difficult. Valves and timing are set correctly, plugs and wires are
new. If I try to start the car with the manual choke, I find that the engine
becomes flooded. Raw fuel leaks down onto the exhaust when the choke
is used. The only way I can get the engine to start is to remove the
aircleaner and without using the manual choke, (starting box) use my
hand to close off the throat of the carburettor making a choke and then
the engine starts. Once the engine is warm it runs very well and starts with
ease. My solution so far has been to use my carb off an MG midget.
It starts easy and runs well with this carb. Only problem, I sold the MG
and the carb went with it.
Any ideas?