> I need to rebuild my rear axles. I don't have the special tool to remove the
>hubs. I am thinking
of trying to make my own tool. I know they are available from TSSC for 50
pounds but with shipping
across the pond this will end up costing me about $100 US. My plan is to take a
trashed bolt on
wire wheel adapter and have a 0.5 inch thick hardened steel plate welded onto
the end of it and
then drilling and tapping it for a grade 8 bolt the same diameter as the
threaded end of the axle,
also tappering the end of the bolt to fit on the concave recess in the end of
the axle. This would
seem to do the same as the special tool.
> Has anyone out there used the special tool?
> Have you had good results with it?
> Do you think this will work?
> Thanks in advance.
> Ralph Jannelli
I have put in excess of 20tons of force on these little beasties, then heated
them near
red hot and had them laugh in defiance. I even used a lead cats head as a
hammer to try
to jar it loose. No luck. Others have popped off with just a few tons.
The tool sounds cool and all but, rather than put a lot of effort into a "maybe
it'll work"
tool, I recomend taking it to the local automotive machine shop for a good
college try.
Pay a few bucks and get it done.
Ken Boetzer