Daren wrote,
>As far as I understand it, they're to protect the front of the car from
>stone chips, kamikaze flies etc. [ Do they still permit flies in
>California? (-: ] so, yes, you could argue they're for cosmetic reasons,
>in that they protect the cosmetic appearance of the car. But no-one can
>see the lovely paintwork under all that horrid vinyl. Now if someone
>would develop a transparent car bra....
>Also, what good do they do if the CA (or wherever) sun fades the rest of
>your paintwork? I'm not being facetious here. I just can't see the
>point of the things, unless you take 'em off when you park the car. They
>just seem to be an (IMHO) awful "fashion" accessory. Still at least
>they're not dangerous, like "bull bars".
Near where I live in East Anglia, there used to be quite a few US airforce
bases nearby, so I saw quite a few Firebirds/Camaro's/etc wearing the things, I
must admit that I agree with Daren as to the actual purpose of the things, it's
like having a (Politically Correct listers please delete now!!) gorgeous
women(ie, wife, girlfriend, bit on the side etc) and making her put a potato
sack on her head so that the sun don't make her go all wrinkly!!!!!
At a show a few years ago that I attended, a Concours Spitfire owner actually
put loads of bubble wrap all under the wheel arches, around the front valances
and along the edge of the bonnet to prevent stone chips....crazy twat!!!
(Ooops, I think you Murricans' have a different meaning for that don't you?)
Bye for Now
Rich - Hmmmm, a Spit with bull bars, might prevent denting my bonnet again! :-)
ps, would an old Pontoon Nosed Ferarri Testarossa require a Dolly Parton sized
Car Bra??? :-)