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Re: TR3/3A/4/4A Rear Oil Seal

To: Jeff Williamson <>,
Subject: Re: TR3/3A/4/4A Rear Oil Seal
From: R John Lye <>
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 96 17:57:41 EDT
On Sep 30,  3:47pm, Jeff Williamson wrote:
> The rear seal comes in two halves, an upper and a lower, which bolt to
> the rear end of the engine. Both halves are of metal construction and
> have grooves or ridges which match with identical groves or ridges on
> the crankshaft. I noticed that neither the old or new seals have any
> type of sealing rubber. 
> My real question is this --- Is there supposed to be some type of
> sealing rubber on this seal? or is the oil supposed to be contained by
> the grooves? If there is supposed to be some sort of rubber seal, what
> is it and where can I find it?

The original rear main seal on TR-2/3/4's is more properly referred
to as a slinger since it works by utilizing the rotation of the
crank to throw the oil back into the pan.  There is no rubber lip
to seal against the crank.  Don't park with nose of the car facing
steeply uphill or the oil in the sump will leak out!

These seals need to be properly centered to work correctly; they're
a bit fussy to get right.  One fix is to get the modern, rubber lip type
conversion seal that British Frame and Engine sells.  The downside
to this conversion is that crank must be machined to accept the
seal (the scroll in the crank is removed).


John Lye


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