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BOUNCE triumphs: Non-member submission from []

Subject: BOUNCE triumphs: Non-member submission from []
From: Mark J Bradakis <mjb>
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 1996 12:53:58 -0600
     Date: Thu, 19 Sep 96 20:15:56 PST
     Subject: Progrss is a Series of Regressons

With some arm twisting from my wife, I bought a 70 GT6-.  She thought that I
was working to hard and getting grumpy.  Her logic was that a GT6 in the
garage would revert me to whatever state of being I was in 20 years ago when
I had a TRs and a number of Spitfires.  The good news is that being a SoCAL
vehicle,the GT6- has a better body than any Triumph I had ever owned.  It has
been in storage since 1987 so it needs a restoration.  The - part is minus
transmission and minus trim.  I have been encouraged by the knowledge and
enthusiasm to help displayed by enthusiasts on this list. and would
appreciate some guidance to help me ease into my new project.  To help me get
started I need some help in developing an information base. So here are a few
questions that I have.
What is a good source for books?
Should I get a Haynes or a Bentley shop manual?
   Is the  Competition Preparation Manual put out by British Leyland Manual 

Is the Spitfire restoration book worthwhile?

Any other books I should consider.

What are some suggestions for obtaining the trim and a transmission.

I am interested in restoring the car to be a stock looking/performance enhanced
car.  What are some sources of ideas for tuning the suspension as well as drive

What are the things that I will need to know that I have am not yet aware of.



70 GT6    ...with high expectations.

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  • BOUNCE triumphs: Non-member submission from [], Mark J Bradakis <=