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Re: "plinth" The True Meaning

To: "Philip E. Barnes" <>
Subject: Re: "plinth" The True Meaning
From: Gregory Petrolati <>
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 1996 10:59:16 -0500 (CDT)
On Wed, 18 Sep 1996, Philip E. Barnes wrote:

> >        Theriouthly? I thought it wath thomething that went with niddlth...
> >
> >        You know "plinth and niddlth..." :*).....
> No, no, no! The artitht formerly known as Plinth.
> ("This ith fun", as my 2-year old thon would thay.)

        Schtop, schtop, you're schlaying me! Thisch isch a scheriousch
        group... we're not given over to schuch schennanigansch-sch-sch!

        Greg Petrolati                         1962 TR4 (CT4852L)
        "That's not a leak... My car is just marking its territory!"
Greg Petrolati, Champaign, Illinois

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