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Re: TR3 Gas and Water... <199609171237.IAA25160@orion.neca.c

To: (Dave Garron)
Subject: Re: TR3 Gas and Water... <>
From: Berry Kercheval <>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 11:29:02 PDT
>>>Dave Garron said:
 > >> Try blowing some compressed air back through the line from the
 > >> pump inlet hose to the tank (open the filler cap first). I did this and 
 > >> fuel started flowing normally....
I did this to my TR-6 too, once.  Then cleaned the tank out..eccch.

A word of advice to those about to apply compressed air to the gas tank: if 
you succeed in your aim, gasoline will POUR out of the line.  Well, duh, you 
say, but I was struggling with mine one evening, and nothing would come out so 
I applied air, heard a muffled THUDgurglegurgle from the fuel tank, 
straightened up th think "Hm, did that work?" and discovered a new reason NOT 
to wear Birkenstocks in the garage.


Berry Kercheval :: :: Xerox Palo Alto Research Center

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