> please tell me what is "plinth"?
On Sept 14, a response went as follows:
"A plinth is a bolt on single-point nofailgophast device that when properly
installed reduces your wrench-to-ride ratio. Original ones are available
only through Arcane Auto Parts."
Subsequently, another subscriber went on to claim that plinth is a cut on a
Rod Stewart album.
These guys are just having some fun with you; don't believe a word of it.
Actually plinth, or more precisely, plint* is an acronym for plastic lint.
This is the stuff that falls out of the driver's seat and looks like orange
colored crumbs all over your rug. I'm so full of it of it that I have to
vacuum the car out every week.
*BTW, the guy that coined the word plint had a hair lip and that's why it came
to be known as plinth.
I just wanted to set the record straight. Of course I could be wrong on this.
Does anyone out there have a better explanation?
Joe Laurito