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4 & 5 point harnesses

Subject: 4 & 5 point harnesses
From: "Michael Bayrock" <>
Date: Sun, 15 Sep 1996 22:08:40 -0700
Encoding: 21 Text
     Hi all,
     Just a thought ... you may not want to be so solidly 'tied' into your 
     seat on the street.  4 & 5 point harnesses were designed for use on 
     the track, where the hazards are somewhat limited than on the street.
     On the street you may be in a situation where you and your car may be 
     going under a semi-trailer (a la Jackie Chan's latest movie).  If you 
     were in a 4 or 5 point, you would have a difficult time diving over 
     the passenger seat to save your neck.
     I do endorse being strapped in while you drive - if you can't control 
     where you sit, how can you control the vehicle (or stay away from the 
     windsheild, if worse came to worse).  But I don't know if a 5 point is 
     worth the hassle and potential risk.
     My $0.33CAN worth.

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