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RE: TRF vs Moss vs VB vs Rimmers

To: "" <>
Subject: RE: TRF vs Moss vs VB vs Rimmers
From: Jane Burdekin <>
Date: Sun, 15 Sep 1996 20:12:23 -0600
Joe, I got some body panels from VB, they came quickly (4 days), fit perfectly, 
and were no problem.  They did not stock some that I needed, but the ones they 
stock were  fine.  Don't know about the others they don't even carry parts for 
my car. 

Jane B.
'67 GT6
Boulder, Colorado

Sent:   Sunday, September 15, 1996 8:19 AM
Subject:        TRF vs Moss vs VB vs Rimmers

I am rebuilding a TR250 and need to buy some body parts - I have my own
opinions on the differing quality of parts from the above vendors when it
comes to cosmetic stuff - but my question is:

Is there any difference in quality among these vendors when it comes to stuff
like Floor Pans, Sills, and other metal body parts? ? ? 

Opinions please . . . . 


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