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Re: Show in Santa Cruz next month?

To: Mark J Bradakis <>,
Subject: Re: Show in Santa Cruz next month?
From: (TeriAnn Wakeman)
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 1996 06:50:35 -0700
At  2:03 PM 9/11/96 -0400, Mark J Bradakis wrote:
>Since I enjoyed my quick trip to Palo Alto, and hopefully helped out a
>few folks with parts, I'm thinking of doing it again.  There is an event
>in Santa Cruz coming up near the end of October, Autumn Classic Concours
>I think it is.
>Does anyone know if this event has places for vendors to set up a small
>table or whatever?  I could load up a batch of stuff for sale, and try to
>reclaim some more shop space!

Yes there is going to be a meet in October.  It is in the parking lot of
the Pasitimpo Inn (Last #17 exit before going into Santa Cruz)  It will be
for British sports cars only.  British Salons & Land Rovers can not enter.

I do not remember there ever being space for companys or sellers.  I think
this is a driver's show only.  You can call Bruce at British Wire Wheel to
find out for sure.  If any dealers are allowed, this Santa Cruz company
would be there.

However these next year upcoming shows all have sales spaces:

Chico All British Car Meet June 22. 1997
Monterey British Car Meet Aptil 6 1997


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