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RE: ferries

To: ('trumppa')
Subject: RE: ferries
From: (Nystrom Kim NTC/Espoo)
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 17:01:55 +0300
Organization: Nokia Telecommunications
** > We used ferries Finland-Sweden, Sweden-England, England-France,
** > Germany-Denmark, Denmark-Sweden and Sweden-Finland. The other 3400 km 
** > 2000 miles) was Triumph only, the longest drive being from Calais 
** > to Puttgarden (North Germany). All this to participate in the Triumph 
** > Picnic in Brighton.
** It must have taken an iron will make that ferrous trip.
** --Ed Rush
Well not perhaps so much will as curiousity. Not the ferrous curiousity, 
been there saw it etc, but the enguous curiousity. I.e, an excellent 
opportunity to check if the engine after the complete restoration last 
winter was any good. The boring part of it all was having to stop at all 
those gas stations on the way because of the tiny 32 liter tank...
But I hear that the TSSC meeting usually gathers ten times as many 
participants, so maybe that'll be the goal next year ;-)

And besides, we did get the infamous Long Distance Award....(=Who can listen 
to the twin sports exhaust for the longest time without ear plugs)

Kim Nystrom
Helsinki, Finland

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