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Bob Tullius

Subject: Bob Tullius
From: Patrick McMullen <>
Date: Sun, 08 Sep 1996 20:07:30 -0700
Organization: Barking Dog Productions
Fellow Triumphers,

I was lucky enough to meet Bob Tullius today.  He flies a P-51 Mustang 
these days.  I was working at an airshow today.  I talked with him for 
some time.  He autographed my hat which is now in my archives.  I 
introduced myself as a TR-6 driver.  He chuckled and said he still is 
too.  He told me that he still owns the last TR-6 ever made as well as 
the last TR-8 ever built.  Some collection!  I asked if he would ever 
sell them.  He responed that not unless he needs money for his Mustang.  
I said that they probably won't be cheap then!  His answer was a big no 
with a laugh.  He does not attend many Triumph events any more if any at 
all.  I wished I had my car there for him to autograph the dash, but as 
you all know it is up on jacks awaiting attention to the OD!!!!!!

Pat in NC

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