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RE- Cam timing on LBCs

Subject: RE- Cam timing on LBCs
From: (Peter Juergens)
Date: Mon, 2 Sep 96 14:50 +0100
Hello everybody,

Ok, Brian, the Cam Timing:
I had the same problem some days/years ago,..

This should IMO be a guide to time any given cam, assuming one thing:
At 103° after TDC, #1-Inlet valve should be fully open. I found this point on 
camshafts I worked with (TRīs 4 + 6 cyl. and spits and "modern bastards" too) 

If you set the cam some degrees (up to approx. 5°) earlier, you will shift your 
powerrange a bit to the upper RPMīs, maybe gain a bit HP, but loose some torque.
If you do it the other way round, it works the other way i.e. youīll gain 
(( long speech  short sense )) direct translation!  :-)

??? BTW: can someone tell me, what a f.. hacksaw is, I couldnīt find it in my 

lets start:
1. turn the engine to the point where #1-Inlet is fully open (best determined
   with a dial ga(u)ge on top of the valve cap)
2. slacken the cam gear
3. get the engine to 103° after TDC ( use a degree wheel on the pulley)
4. now try to find the right holes in the cam gear
5. thatīs it
If you have trouble with Nr.4, believe me, a halve teeth will make no 
at all.

I wish happy work!

Peter Juergens
62īTR4 every day

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