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Lurk mode disabled - time to work

Subject: Lurk mode disabled - time to work
From: "Michael Bayrock" <>
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 1996 16:45:06 -0700
Encoding: 41 Text
     Hello all,
     I've been following the triumphs list (digest) for about a year 
     while organizing my new home and garage.  Now I'm set to start a 
     resurrection on my convertible GT6 and hope to join into the 
     discussions going on here a little more regularly.
     First though, some questions ...
     I know that the archives have the lists going back for some time 
     - is there a method of searching these archives for keywords 
     without actually 'GET'ting them?  I know LISTSERV allows this - 
     does majordomo?
     A while back, someone (Ray?) went into some detail on using POR15 
     and experiences on rebuilding a frame.  Did anyone happen to save 
     a copy of the discussion, or does anyone remember about when the 
     discussion took place?
     Also, I have a friend who is restoring a TR6 - they are also 
     interested in the POR15 info, as well as other TR6 frame hints.  
     Someone mentioned frame repair plates for the TR6 - were these 
     available from TRF?
     Finally, Katie (the LBC) looks to need a bit of work.  She's been 
     in storage for 7 years, some of it outside.  I'd like to do a 
     frame-off and get things done right (now what was that disease 
     called?).  I have some body work to do (rusted floorboards and 
     panels), I want to redo and check the frame, ...
     My quandary is this - should I do the bodywork on the frame 
     first, then do the frame after the body's all done, or should I 
     do the frame first, reinstall the body, do the body?  Reading 
     Rik's note, it looks like I should get the body done first.
     Thanks for the help.
     B.C. Transit, Surrey, B.C.
     GT6++ KC80064L

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