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TR8 questions

Subject: TR8 questions
From: Don Taskey <>
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 1996 20:43:39 -0400
References: <>
Just caved in to wife and other club members and bought an 80 TR8.  It's
only quit on me 11 times in three days so far!  However it is a bit more
civilized than my TR6 when it runs. 
Question 1: What does it leak for engine oil? DPO gave me some 20-50
with it, seems a little thick to me. 
Question 2: It seems to quit making sparks after being driven about 20
miles (verified at coil).  After cooling down for 15 minutes, another 10
miles can be had before losing sparks again. This scenario repeats... 
It has a Luminition (I think old Allison) ignition and original coil. 
Could either of these be taking a rest? Any way to check them out? 
Question 3: What is a good cam for a proposed Holley switchover?

Thanks SOLers,
Don Taskey (TR6, TVR, TR8?)

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