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Re: your mail

To: Andrew Linkens <>
Subject: Re: your mail
From: "Jon Moody (BME)" <>
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 1996 08:43:32 -0400 (EDT)
I've heard of people taking a torch to the bottom and scraping it off. 
Probably not feasible unless youre foing a body off though.

On Fri, 23 Aug 1996, Andrew Linkens wrote:

> Hi guys,
>       Just a quick question about the removal of underseal from the underbody
> of my Triumph. I've found several areas where water has been trapped behind 
> underseal and caused severe corrosion that wasn't evident at first sight (or
> prod!). What I'd like to do is remove the underseal if possible but especially
> to find out if there are any more areas that are likely to suffer corrosion
> soon and protect them properly.
>       I've tried scraping the underseal - a killer. Also have tried wiping
> thinners over it - doesn't get enough off quickly enough. I've used a hot air
> gun before which was quite good but all these methods take ages and don't get
> the stuff out of the seams etc. Has anyone got experience of steam cleaning
> removing all the underseal or some such method that doesn't involve time
> consuming effort?
> Thanks
> Andy

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