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Re: Andy Lindberg's question

Subject: Re: Andy Lindberg's question
From: Andrew Mace <>
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 1996 09:51:11 +0400 (EDT)
Cc: VTR <>, Triumph owners list <>
On Fri, 16 Aug 1996 wrote:

> Andy Lindberg asked if there has been any progress on choosing a new
> VTR president. As of VTR96, (7/10-14/96) resumes and applications were
> still being solicited. (Are *you* interested?) Bill Sohl is acting in
> the capacity of President until such time as a successor is found.
> Anyone else on the board have more current information?
> Also, Andy mentioned that he has not received a magazine in quite a while
> and didn't know if his membership had expired.

As I understand it, any further action on choosing a new President awaits
receipt by the membership of issue #63 of _The Vintage Triumph_, which
discusses the filling of the position of President.  Unfortunately, due
to some problem with generating mailing labels, the magazine was not
mailed to members until earlier this week. 

As the magazine is "bulk" mailed to members in the U.S., it will take at 
least 2-3 weeks for everyone to get their copies. I would expect that by 
early or mid-September, the VTR Board will again be able to move towards 
choosing a successor to Dennis Riley.


Andrew Mace
10/Herald/Vitesse (Sports 6) Consultant
Vintage Triumph Register

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