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Re: Who makes that anyway?

To: Triumph owners list <>
Subject: Re: Who makes that anyway?
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 96 08:42:43 EDT
Comments: Converted from PROFS to RFC822 format by PUMP V2.2X
*** Resending note of 08/14/96 21:27

On Wed, 14 Aug 1996 Robb Baugher <>wrote:

>Since my Stag is lacking any identifying emblems other than the picture
>of a stag on the front grille, I'm telling folks its a "John Deere". <g>

Did you have to paint it bright green and put yellow stripes and accents
on it before people would believe you?

Rik Schlierer                      "Destiny does not send us heralds.            She is too wise or too cruel for that."
LucaSpeed? Motorsports              Oscar Wilde - The Picture of Dorian Gray

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