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Thank you

Subject: Thank you
From: robert ylitalo <>
Date: Sun, 04 Aug 1996 15:08:24 +0200
A while a go i asked you all out there what could be wrong when my car
wouldent start when i turned the ignition. I got a lot of hints and 
tried to measure the current to the solenoid when i turned the key. 
There was no current. Then i connected the battery to the solenoid to
check if it worked, the result of that was nothing. No reaction on the 
solenoid what so ever.

I thought that the solenoid was broke. but of some unexplainable reason 
i turned the key once more. And belive it or not, it WORKED!
Measuring again it all seems to work perfect. Can my connection to the 
battery have done this was the solenoid stuck? Or what.

Well anyway the problem seems to have gone away for now. I have tried it 
30-40 times

Thank you


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