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Better Business pleas

Subject: Better Business pleas
Date: Fri, 02 Aug 96 09:54:32 -0600
Organization: Le Relais BBS
August 2nd, 1996 :

Hello All !

I hope my last words re. "horrible experience" has not offenced too many
people...Still, I was so furious reading that message. I was taken myself for a
major ride when I purchased my first classic.

Here is an idea of mine re. better business practices :

I would like to see appear a list of good/very good suppliers of bc parts. The
list would be informal, without prejudice to anyone. Just the
names/address/phone numbers of good people in the business. Might even include
the UK, Canada, and USA.

This list would be available free among ourselves. The names of those who make
"horrible experiences" possible would NOT be included. No prejudice to them at
all. No legal problems at all. We would only shop from those who do appear on
the list.

I invite you all to think about it ... reply to me as soon as you can !

e-mail : sylvain.rozon @

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