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Pecker Trails !

Subject: Pecker Trails !
Date: Sat, 3 Aug 1996 00:24:41 -0400
Fellow SOLers-
I need some help in an area not usualyy addressed on this list...ornithology 

This is the chance for all you closet bird-brains, no wait, bird minded
(definetly more PC), people to flaunt you knowlege. The other day I was
driving along, on a back road (there aren't any other kind around here),
singing along to my favorite Jackson 5 tune (I like the high parts), when I
noticed 3 very small birds ahead in the road, doing ...well whatever birds do
in the road. Now I don't wantonly endeavour to decimate the local flora or
fauna. so about the time I was about to apply the brakes, the 3 birds lifted
off of the tarmac in unison. Relieved, I put my size 13 back on the go pedal,
and all 3 birds went to the left. But, oddly enough one of the triumvirate
turned back  to the right, in front of me, but crossed beyond my path to the
right. However, this bird again vacillated back to the left, and into my
immediate path. I stab of the brakes was to late to stop the carnage.
   I thought the only thing that could cut/scratch glass was a diamond ? 
Myth or reality ?
(Back to the story):
   As I said, this bird was little, about the size of a wren. BUT, after the
feathers cleared, I found not one, but two parallel pecker trails, gouges,
scratches or whatever, about two inches long in my nice heretofore unmarked
Triplex. Seems this bird must have hit pecker first, and tried to utter one
last trill as the life was ripped from him.  

Now I have two questions:
 1 What the heck do I do with these pecker trails in the glass. Anyone ever
had any kind of luck polishing something like this out ? With what ?
 2 Now for all you bird-folk. Are there birds with diamond peckers, and if so
which ones as I may have just found a new occupation, "diamond pecker bird

Birds of a feather...
  Nick in Diamond Country

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