Remember a thread a while back about TR owners and their "TR Widows" ??? I
asked how you guys's wive's put up with the time in the shoppe (shop) etc
Buy her a Mini ! We just got a Mini that needs new rocker panels and is in
GREAT shape, no other rust, no dents and runs well for $ 500.00 Canadian. It
was one of those "It's go good a deal to pass up" this is "Her" car and she
is experiancing the same thrill we do.... As she said "IT's soooooo
cute...." It is kinda neat. I want to start stripping it and she wants to
wait for the money to finish it... ahh well.
Another point I wish to raise is this. I subscribed to the Mini list asking
for opinions on the car, contacts, parts place's etc. I got two replies.
This just reinforces how wounderfull this group is in it's help. So
THANKYOU, I feel like we are all "Old friends"...