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Good parts houses

Subject: Good parts houses
From: Paul Thompson <>
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 96 13:42:17 BST
Here's my favorites for UK TRs and other general stuff;

Moss London - very good stocks and very good/prompt delivery for the
standard servicing stuff - but not the cheapest. 

Revington TR - If you need some performance gear they are the
enthusiasts, they will talk through problems and offer solutions to meet
your needs.

Racetorations - same as Revingtons but the work in thier workshops is
fantastic - but not cheap!

Holdens Vintage & Classic - Fantastic for Lucas spares, if you can't
find them at the autojumble.

Merv Plastic - for anything electical; cable, connectors etc...

Vintage Radio Services - for any Radiomobile spares and repairs

Spitbitz - I've never had that many problems with them, and if you want
parts cheap they don't come any cheaper (no excuse for poor service

Martin Jubb 'King Cog' - Halda spares and repairs, and free

Autochron - Stopwatches, dash clocks and other historic rally gear (+
very expensive Halda twins and speedpilots)

This is the select few that I have spent money with and would be happy to
recommend to a friend. They all have one thing in common. that is the
enthusiasm and care with which they do business.




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