> Our next mechanical project may be converting from the original OIl Filter to
> the new adaptor w/ spin on Filter.
> Would anyone care to give me the Pro's and Con's of this conversion along
> with how difficult it is, things to watch out for and the aftermarket filter
> of choice that fits the best in that small space.
I'm all for them, unless one has the desire to keep the car completely
stock. I had one on my TR4 and added one to a couple of the VWs I once
had. After a couple of oil changes with the standard filter, I got very
tired of having to get the square o-ring in just right, etc. The adapter
also frees one from having to buy from import sources, since your choice
of spin-on filter is probably available from just about any automotive
discount store.
> Also, I would like to hear your opinions of whether to go ahead and add the
> oil cooler at that time.
Only two considerations here--where you live, and whether or not the
adapter you buy has plugged ports for the cooler. If you live in a very
cold climate, and do not use an oil cooler with a thermostatic by-pass,
it will make cold warm-ups very lengthy. On the second point, some
adapters are made for the cooler, some are not. If you buy one with
ports for the cooler, make sure the filter portion of it will deliver oil
if you plug the ports until you install the cooler. Some are drilled so
that oil goes from the pump to the cooler, from the cooler to the filter
section, and then to the mains. Obviously, were you to plug the cooler
inlets and outlets (because you didn't want to install the cooler at that
time), you'd get no oil. If that's what you'd like to do, check with the
supplier before purchase to determine if the adapter can be run with or
without a cooler.
> - do we have anyplace to post GIF's on a Triumph server??? (Team.Net - VTR -
> SOL ????)I believe there are pictures of cars on the Triumph home page, on
British Cars page, and on the VTR home page.