Okay, this'll be the last post for now.
Gotta go work on the Newsletter.
Regarding the bouncing speedo.
The speedo works via spinning magnets. This is an important point.
If you grease the cable, especially with the wrong grease, it'll bubble
up the cable and squirt all over the inside of your speedo. If you have a
real bad case of grease spooge, you car will travel at incredible
indicated speeds. I got zero to 160 MPH in less than half a second. Talk
about pushing you back in the seat!
Of course the problem is that the grease winds up sticking the inside
rotating thingie to the outside rotating thingie and thus the wierd
indicated speeds.
The fix is simple.
Note: this is delicate work, and you can wreck the guage if you are not
careful while doing this type of repair. Read: do you have a spare?
Remove the speedo. Open the unit up by removing the big face plate (it
sort of twists off), I think you need to take out the two long screws to
accomplish this. With the inside of the unit exposed, try to wipe the
majority of the grease etc from the rotating things. You don't need to be
anal about it, just get the chunks. Then spray some brake cleaner on the
moving parts until it flushes clean. Viola. Put it back together. Be
carful not to get solvents on the number side of the guage, or you'll be
Take out your speedo cable, wipe off the grease and lubricate with a dry
lubricant like Molydisulphide or graphite.
Don't play with the odometer while your in there!!! This is a felony in
the US.
have fun.
note: you can probably get similar symptoms if there's bugs or coccoons
from bugs in the speedo housing, I've seen that too. Critters can get in
just about anything given enough time.
p.s. even after cleaning mine several times and replacing the cable, it
still bounces around a bit. I kind of like it though, it gives the car
yet another quirky attribute.
Bob Lang Room 11-221 | This space for rent.
Consultant MIT Computer Services |
Voice: (617)253-7438 FAX: (617)258-9535 |
url: http://web.mit.edu/afs/athena.mit.edu/user/b/l/blang/www/home.html
Quote: You'll have to talk to my attorney about that topic...