Someone asked about timing for a unit with retard disabled. 4ATDC (dynamic)
is _definitely_ wrong in that case - use 12BTDC static, and adjust for best
rolling-start acceleration from lowish RPM with no pinging.
4ATDC assumes a low idle (often hard to get with old carbs/vacuum leaks/etc),
with the retard unit at full retard. The retard is only active at idle.
I just received 2 HD rear shocks from Apple Hydraulics. Cool. Finally
I'll have a controlled rear end as well as front (SPAX, and I have uprated
springs all around - perhaps too uprated in the front). HD's have bigger
bushes and 30% uprated stiffness, and have a 2-year unlimited milage
warrantee, and cost $10 more ($59) than stock stiffness ($49) for my TR6.
I'm tempted to get them to rebuild my carbs - $295/pair. Perhaps I'll just
have them rebush them ($45/carb) this winter while I'm rebuilding the tranny -
that's the only really specialized bit; the rest is just disassembly, cleaning,
and new gaskets/etc.
I found the rattle in the rear end - two of the shock bolts had backed off -
one almost totally. Luckily they were on different shocks. Hopefully the
ovalling isn't too much to get core charges back (it isn't bad on the one
I've examined so far).
Randell Jesup, Scala US R&D, Ex-Commodore-Amiga Engineer class of '94
#include <std/disclaimer>
Exon food: <offensive words no longer censored - thank you ACLU, EFF, etc>