CBrown1500@aol.com wrote:
>The topic
> of engine swaps comes up periodically and SOLs are NOT all on the >same team
>on this issue.
>stuff a small block V-8,
!!!I actually met a guy who did this to a Herald!!!
!!!Don't think it's still on the road though!!!
>Mazda rotary, Buick V-6, or whatever in it.
>Others will argue that it's your car, do what you want with it. Like >most
>religious issues, a consensus may never be reached about engine >swaps, but we
>are all free to express our opinions about it.
I've been contemplating something lately that may be the wave of the
future. As a breathing human I'm thinking of going electric. I've seen
the electric Mayflower and it looks real nice. I'd really hate to loose
the sound of my motor, but in the long run electrics do make sense for
short distance daily drivers. Maybe one of each. BTW, does anyone know
what a Herald saloon weighs? Any thoughts?
John (I'm only 30 and I want air to breathe when I'm 60) Matthews
'61 & '65 Heralds