Triumph Picnic?? tell me more about that, maybe I want to go myself!
The cheapest way from anywhere to anywhere, I can tell you exactly because I
have a program to my Mac that calculates it.
It depends on where in Finland you live! If you live closer to Helsinki than
Turku, you should take the ferry from Helsinki to TravemŸnde, Germany, drive
to Holland, and take the ferry from Zeebrugge to Dover, then Brighton.
BUT: if you live closer to Turku, or north of Turku, you should take the
ferry to Sweden, drive across Sweden, take the ferry Gšteborg-Frederikshavn,
drive to Hirtshals and take the ferry Hirtshals-Harwich then Brighton.
- tell me where you live, and I will send you instructions on the cheapest
I've been in England several times by car, and tried both via Holland and
directly from Denmark. My experience is that it costs almost the same, but if
you go from Denmark, you avoid the rather long drive to Holland and the
ferries going from Denmark are a lot nicer (cleaner, non sinking! remember