A couple of weeks ago I posted a message regarding some electrical probs
with our Vitesse. Thanks to the helpful messages I received I seem to have
got them sorted. However, I would now like to replace the dynamo with an
alternator and need some advice.
1. The alternators that were originally supplied as a special option
(Lucas 15AC) had an external regulator that was presumably mounted under
the dash like the dynamo control box. This regulator had the same
connections as the standard dynamo control box making the installation
straightforward. I intend to fit a remanufacured Lucas unit, but the only
ones available here have the internal regulator (Lucas 15ACR, 17ACR etc).
Will they be difficult to install? If anyone has done this conversion I
would be very grateful if they could supply me instructions of the
idiotproof "take the yellow/brown cable from the generator and connect it
to..," variety.
2. As I don't intend to upgrade the wiring, should I go for the low output
15ACR model (28amps) or will I be able to fit a beefier model?
3. Triumph supplied a special cast mouting bracket to fit the alternator
to Mk1 2L engine. If I am unable to source one of these, can I use the
dynamo mounting bracket and pack out the mounting bolts with washers?
Thanks in advance, Pat Edwards.
Dept. of Chemistry
Massey University
Palmerston North
New Zealand
Ph: DDI ++64 (0)6 350 5165
Fax: ++64 (0)6 350 5682