I've been trying to get my Spitfire started after a couple of years, and am
having an electrical problem I'd like some opinions on.
When I turn the switch to the "start" position, sometimes nothing happens.
Or, if I hold it in "start" for a second, then try again, the car starts. At
first I assumed this had something to do with the buzzer box being damaged,
but I've replaced the box, and I'm beginning to doubt the ignition depended
on that box anyways.
I'm guessing now that the contacts in the ignition switch are dirty. Is there
any way to clean the contacts? If always assumed that with anti theft
switches that these things aren't accessible.
thanks in advance for help. As soon as I figure this out, I can move onto
the sticking fuel pump valves shutting things down, the non functioning tail
and parking lights, the RTV "seals" in the diff, etc., etc.
Sean Johnson
75 Spitfire