Having just completed the process you describe on a GT-6 I suggest the
There are several excellent products which claim to arrest/prevent
rust on inner panels and undercarriage. I used Corolles(sp) available
from Eastwood...applied with either brush or spray. It is easy to
apply and though a relatively soft paint, great for hidden places.
Leave edges where welding will be done unpainted...for these areas use
spray weld-through rust preventative, available at most auto paint
places in small spray cans. The paint is silver (and I suppose
contains some metal or conductor which permits welding. My local body
shop advised to spray thin, but I've had no problems welding either
spot or MIG through up to three layers of 18 guage mild steel
Finally, plan your welding so that you can spray inner areas which
will be hidden as you assemble the inner and outer rockers and
fenders...I've used the corroles at 6-10 lbs pressure and gotten good
coverage (in fact, I've applied enough in the rockers so that the
product seeped out through cracks in the bottom edges) and sealing.
Once everything is finished you can apply enamels directly over
Corroles, or apply appropriate primers for synthetic paints.
Good luck!
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Inner panel painting
Author: Jonathan Miles <MILESJE@novell2.bham.ac.uk> at smtpgate
Date: 6/14/96 8:11 AM
Hi all,
Sometime this winter I intend to replace some panelwork on my
spitfire 1500; sills, headlamp support panels etc. My question is,
how do you paint the inside of, say the outer sill. Clearly it would
be best to paint the inside first, but then welding will damage the
paint when It's attached. If I leave a strip of unpainted metal on
the welded flange, then surely this seam will be the first to rust
through again. Once the sills are all together I won't even be able
to get at it with seam sealer. I only want to do this job once!
What's the accepted technique?
Dr J.E.Miles
School of Biological Sciences
University of Birmingham
Birmingham B15 2TT
Great Britain
Tel. 0121-414-5884
Fax. 0121-414-5925