>Hello again-
>1) I need to replace the windshield in my TR6. The procedure reads like it's
>easy, which always makes me worry. Is there anything I should know before I
>start, and about how long should I figure it will take? Also, besides the
>windshield, what other parts do I need?
You'll need new w/s gasket, the trim piece that goes into it, the clip
for the trim piece, some clothesline type cord and liquid soap.
Now that you are thoroughly confused, it's not that hard of a job. I can
usually do it by myself in about an hour.
If you have never done one before, you might need a pair of hands on the
outside of the car. Time is relative.
>2) I've noticed that when I have the entire car raised up to work on it (I
>usually run one end up on car ramps, then jack up the opposite end and put it
>stands), depending on where I place the jackstands, the frame will flex to the
>point where the doors will be jammed shut. This really only happens if the
>stands are pretty far back, like two feet or more behind the rear axles. The
>frame appears fine but I'm wondering if this is normal. There's no problem when
>the car is on the ground. The amount of flex is small, maybe 1/8 of an inch at
>the top of the door-to body gap.
This is not really that uncommon. However, the chasis deserves a look
see. When the car is up on staands as you describe, take a close look at
the points where cross member join the frame. Also, look at lanyard
supporting body.
The further back on the frame stands are placed, the more length you are
making available to flex.
When lifting, I usually try to place stands even with rear cross member
and in the middle (on the frame) of the lower control arms. Important
that jack stands are all adjusted to same height.
>3) I need to clean the K&N air filters on the carburetors. The store where I
>bought them is out of business, and the paperwork that came with the filters
>mentions a K&N product used for cleaning them, presumably some type of
>solvent/degreaser, and a type of oil used afterwards to re-oil the filter
>elements. What, if any, available substitutes are there?
K&N air filters can be washed in the kkitchen sink with soap and water.
This always gains points with a significant other. K&N has a special oil
to help grab dust. However, if you live in an area where there is little
or no blowing dirt, you can forgo the oil. Just clean the filters more
If you feel like you need the oil, use Crisco or some other cooking oil.
Petroleum based oils will attack the foam and cause it to erode quite
>4) Is it difficult to find a shop that will mount tires/balance and align cars
>with wire wheels/tube tires? Again, the shop I used to use is out of business,
>and the last place I brought a flat gave me a hard time for bringing a wire
>wheel/tube tire in. That was at least three or four years ago, so I doubt
>have improved. They also couldn't align the car because "our computerized
>alignment machine doesn't list your car". I live in Nassau county, New York in
>case anyone has any ideas. (move somwhere else?)
One thing Big Brother has done for us is to ban "on the car spin
balancing" because someone somewhere sometime, got hit by a flying
weight. As for alighnment. A Bentley or almost any other manual will give
you the geometry for correct alignment. Try to find a shop that has been
around a long, long time. They are more likely to be able to do your
alignment than one of the "Chain" shops, especially if you can provide them
with the correct numbers.
>5) Does anyone know the law with regard to seat belts, specifically, if seat
>belts were not required at the time of a car's manufacture, will the car pass a
>current inspection without seat belts? This question could apply to any other
>part of a car as well, I suppose...
There are Federal mandates that say if a car was not equipped with seat
belts when it was built, then it doesn't need them now. This is one area
where State Law supercedes Federal law so the seat belt requirements are
going to vary from State to State
>6) American drivers who purchchase Lucas headlights, from overseas or
>suppliers, should be aware that at least some of them are for right-hand-drive
>cars; in other words, the low beams aim down and to the left compared to the
>high beams.
>thanks to all those who responded to my questions about TR7s. Definitely a car
>that generates a wide range of opinions...
Yes, mostly poor opinions.
> jb
Tony R.