I wrote the following in an e-mail to my father-in-law:
< Yes Maggie [the Triumph Spitfire, that I bought for my wife as a
< wedding present] has emerged from the dark and dingy garage a new
< woman. She has bitten me, scratched me, pulled my hair, and bonked
< me on the noggin' but I love her still. [After a long winter motor rebuild,]
< she has kicked the smoking habit, but is a bit of a hot head under
< the bonnet [turns out I put the thermostat in backwards]. She only
< wishes to signal her left turns (communist plot???). At least she
< now can toot her own horn. She still needs new shoes and some new
< clothes. Now if only the sun would come out so we can frolick.
Ever the joker, he penned the following advice:
<< In spring a young man's fancy does turn to such romance.
<< The attraction must be especially strong after a long winter of
<< abstinence. It could easily turn into a driving passion!
<< Don't forget, it's been a while for her too. Be gentle and
<< attentive. Respond to her needs as well as yours. If she has
<< given up smoking, she may need some other way to cool down after a
<< hard drive.
<< As uncomfortable as it is, I would be remiss if I didn't remind you.
<< You are not sure of Maggie's past; where she has been and with whom
<< she has traveled. I'm sure she has been around the block enough times
<< to carry the appropriate protection with her. Even so, unless you
<< snap that protection into place, you are at risk.
Keep up the good stories. It's good to hear about other people's Triumphs
and tribulations.
\\ Nick Davis ndavis@pclink.com //
\\ Aspiring Geek / Mechanical Engineer //
\\ '76 Spitfire aka Maggie //
** Hanging is too good for a man who makes puns. **
** He should be drawn and quoted. -Fred Allen **