Hi all -
When I look at the title to my TR-4 it says that I have a '63.
Looking at my Commission number of CT13648LO, and the Moss catalogue, I am
lead to believe that I actually own a '62. Actually, a '62 with an engine
that is not original, judging by the CT57318E engine number. Also, I have
the Zenith carbs, not the SUs. Is CT13648LO a '62 or '63? Does LO imply
overdrive? (I don't have overdrive so my tranny is a swap out too I'm
Also, reading 'Original TR', I see only pictures of a white metal dash in
the displayed TR-4s. Moss lists parts for both a metal and wood dash. I
have a wood dash. Which is 'correct' for this car?
I also have seats that appear to have a much taller back than anything in a
TR-4 or 4A. Anyone have some original seats?
I love the car, original or not, but I am curious about these things.
Tom Niccum