Thanks to all the people who responded to the above message. I have solved
the starting problem by fitting a remanufactured starter motor. It is
possible the old one could have been rejuvenated with some new brushes, but
I suspect the armature may be faulty as well, so rather than muck around I
opted for a new unit. I will try and resurrect the old unit for our
(currently dismantled) Herald. I haven't had the time to clean all earth
connections, but have at least cleaned the battery to bulkhead connection
and solenoid terminals. I also found a length of wrong gauge wire had been
interposed between the solenoid terminal and the main feed to all the
electrical circuits other than the starter. Having removed this everything
nows works fine. I will go over the remaining earth conections next
Regards, Pat Edwards.
Dept. of Chemistry
Massey University
Palmerston North
New Zealand
Ph: DDI ++64 (0)6 350 5165
Fax: ++64 (0)6 350 5682