Hi All,
Tuning up this morning and heard a medium RAAANKKKKK! sound (1sec duration,
like a really large squeeky door opening) once in a while. Engine was warm
but temp not yet stabilized. I don't believe that a thermostat opening and
closing could have enough power to make that kind of noise.
Removed belt and every thing seems to turn freely. Replaced water pump last
July, wasn't happy with it but it was the only one I could find(had to grind
down the casting to fit the pulley (sheave) and it seems to have a bit of a
wobble. I hear that I might be able to find a rebuild kit for my original at
a Massy-Ferguson tractor shop. Anyone heard about this and might be able to
give me the part number?
Haven't touched the generator. I'm going to rebuild it even if its not
making the noise as I drive it on long trips quite often and that would be
one less thing on my mind.
Does anyone have a cross reference for the bearings so I might buy them locally?
I've got the original factory manuals and an original parts book for the car
and a dreaded Haynes book.
Anything I ought to know before cracking this bird open that's not in the books?
I've got 2 sets of new TR3 fender beading if you know of anyone in the market.
Christian Simonsen
Virginia, USA
1954 TR2 TS1675 long door waiting for attention
1963? TR4 CT 24093 LO runs like a champ most days