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Re: TR4 Engine Rear Main Seal Setting Tool

Subject: Re: TR4 Engine Rear Main Seal Setting Tool
From: (Bruce T. Clough)
Date: Wed, 29 May 96 08:13:36 EDT
I've rebuilt motors without using this tool and a some with it.  Either way I 
don't seem to get any oil leaks.  I think that part of my success is that I 
take my time and insure that everything is clean and fitting okay (flush and 
in the same place as it was originally if I don't have the tool handy).  Given 
a choice, I'd use the tool, but it's not the end of the world if you don't 
have it.

My tool was made by Bob Schaller (of Desert Centre TRA fame), and I think it 
was the one that TRF used as a pattern for their own tool that came out in 
the late 80's.  Bob made a few changes to the factory manual tool to make it 
easier to use (mostly cosmetic changes). 

Bruce Clough

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