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Re: TR6 Rear End Sag

Subject: Re: TR6 Rear End Sag
From: Tom Tweed <>
Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 12:39:31 -0400
If you can grab your rear wheel and wobble it an inch or two when it's
up on a jack, you probably have some serious wear in either the outer
U-joint or the wheel bearing, or both, and you'd better hope it's the
U-joint--that's an easy fix compared to the reawheel bearing!!!
   FAST, get all the manuals and drawings together that you can find
on IRS rear hubs and read  'em all three times before you attempt to
fix this may save yourself hundreds of dollars. The force
necessary to separate the rear hub is many TONS of pressure, Churchill
Tool built a special fixture to do it, but chances are you won't be 
able to find the exact tool anyway.  Unless you are confident of your
machine shop skills and experience, this may be a job best handled
on a CORE EXCHANGE basis with TRF or any other parts supplier, and if
you attempt the fix yourself and scrap your core, kiss more $$$ goodbye.

   I guess the short answer is, do your homework on this one, if the
problem really is the rear hub!!!

Good Luck,
Tom Tweed
MVT , 6-Pack

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