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Re: TR4 - Overdrive questions

To: Triumphs <>
Subject: Re: TR4 - Overdrive questions
From: Philip Searle <Searle@HBOI.EDU>
Date: Tue, 21 May 96 10:48:00 PDT
Encoding: 29 TEXT
Christian Simonsen wrote:

>I cannot remove the large brass spanner plug
>on the bottom of the unit, any hints,......

I've always found careful application of a hammer and some kind of drift 
(usually a screwdriver!) on the lugs works fine.  Take your time and be 
really careful not to damage the brass plug.

>What is the proper way to engage/disengage? It comes in firmly,....

I'm probably wrong but I believe there were slight differences in the A-type 
O/D fitted to TR4s and those fitted to TR4A onwards.  Something to do with a 
gentler engagement for the IRS cars?

Anyway, I have found slight use of the clutch to be useful.  Mine comes in 
with a real jolt, but that could be expected as the whole drivetrain is 
original and 33 years old.  With practice just a very slight pressure on the 
clutch pedal as you flick the switch is enough to give silky smooth changes 
as you roar away from the stoplight.

Overdrives definately got better over the years.  On my '76 Spitfire 1500 
(UK spec) with the J-type O/D you could flick the switch at full throttle 
and near the red line and it felt great!

Phil Searle    Fort Pierce FL
'63 TR4 O/D    '76 Spitfire 1500 O/D

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