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Re: want suggestions for TR6 perormance increases.

To: (James A. Snyder)
Subject: Re: want suggestions for TR6 perormance increases.
From: (Philip E. Barnes)
Date: Thu, 16 May 1996 13:06:42 +0100
The best thing to buy first is Kas Kastner's book on the competition tuning
of the Triumph engines. Whatever you want to know is in the book.
Increasing the performance of an engine is an additive process; everything
adds up with no single thing being the most important. Porting and
polishing the intake and exhaust tracts will certainly help, as will a
free-flowing exhaust system and a low-restriction air cleaner. While you
have the head off get it planed to increase the compression ratio.
Balancing all the rotating and reciprocating elements will allow higher
revs, making more horsepower. As I said, incremental improvements are where
the gains are. Hope this helps.

Philip E. Barnes       '71 TR6  CC61193L
Cornell University
Newman Laboratory of Nuclear Studies
Ithaca, NY 14853

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